-Feathered Fun
Ace: “Is that a hawk? It’s awesome to see these big birds up close.”
Tiffany: “Wow, that’s an owl like the one in our tree. It’s a great horned owl
Hank: “Take a look at the bald eagle!”
Tiffany: “These birds are called raptors.
Ace: “Rappers?”
Tiffany: “Raptors, Ace. It means they are birds of prey. They eat rodents, or snakes, or fish, some kind of meat, smaller animals, you know, prey,”
12/11/07, final images
illustrator: Bill Otersen
writer: Sarah Wagoner
Tiffany: “Raptors, Ace. It means they are birds of prey. They eat rodents, or snakes, or fish, some kind of meat, smaller animals, you know, prey,”