Grandma:My, so many questions! Yes, this one room is the whole school. There were just a few students at each grade level. The stove is for heat. One of the older students chopped the firewood. The buckets for drinking water. A student would fetch the water from the well, and theyd drink from a dipper.
Wanda: What did they do for fun?
Grandma: Oh, they had lots of games. You know, like kick the can, hide and seek, and steal the bacon.
Grandma:The teacher would give a short lesson to each grade level while the other students studied their assignments. The students did a lot of memorizing and reciting. Often the older students would help the younger ones.
Interpreter: And the whole community would attend the spelling bees! If youll excuse me, Im going to go ask our curator for information on this medal. How about if I meet you next door at the church?
Hank: We know how to play hide and seek, but can you teach us steal the bacon, Mrs. Williams?
Grandma: (laughs) Sure, Hank, Ill teach you. First lets go look at the church.